Wasserfreunde Fechenheim eV

recreational sports

In the area of recreational and popular sports, we offer children, parents and adults the opportunity to take part in swimming without any competitive thinking. In this area, the focus is on having fun swimming and improving skills.

children's offers
The children can take their swimming badges (bronze, silver, gold) in the groups.
The trainers and instructors have the task of ensuring that the children and young people learn new things and make progress.
There are currently still plenty of places available in our courses in the garden pool, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, from 6-8pm!

adult offers
We also offer various courses for our adult members. A qualified instructor will guide you and help you improve individual weak points in your swimming technique.

free swimming
We offer our members the opportunity to swim freely in both the Ried indoor pool and the outdoor pool.

Further information by email: kontakt@wf-fechenheim.de
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